
“Let us rejoice and exult and give him the glory, for the marriage of the Lamb has come, and his Bride has made herself ready…”

|| REVELATION 19:7 ||

What is going on with the world?!?

What is next on the horizon and how do you prepare for it? Who could have predicted that 2020 was going to be a year of shutting the world down and toilet paper shortages? The next few years could be bumpy. How are we to prepare? As Floridians we know how to prepare for hurricanes, but do we know how to prepare for other potential disruptions or an uncertain future?

Our vision is to help the Bride of Christ, the church, become educated on how to prepare spiritually, physically, emotionally, and socially for what the future may hold. Only God knows what is coming next, but there are certain steps that can be taken to prepare.

Making Yourself Ready Seminar

In August of 2024 we hosted a day long seminar covering many preparedness topics. Feel free to watch the seminar below.


Monthly meeting usually occur on the second Saturday of the month. Email Tye at for more details or to confirm meeting times and locations.

Past Topics

Dry food storage and commercially canned goods

Range Day

Freeze drying and dehydrating food

Home canning

Home security

First Aid

Alternate power sources

Faraday Cages, what and how

Radios and emergency communication systems

ADdditional resources

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Subscribe to our YouTube channel for workshops and seminars on different preparedness topics such as Spiritual Survival Kit, Food Storage, Self-Defense and Firearms, Gardening in the Tropics, and more!

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Being in community with likeminded believers is an essential aspect of preparedness. Join our private Facebook Group to continue conversations about preparedness and fellowship with other believers.

Our vision is to help the Bride of Christ, the church, become educated on how to prepare spiritually, physically, emotionally, and socially for what the future may hold.