Thanks for your interest in acting or voice acting in Encounter Messiah. Please use the following script and record yourself acting it. Please let us know if you want to just voice act (no live acting), or if you want to do acting. Please send all video recordings to
WOMEN - please record Hagar’s monologue below:
Hagar: I wasn’t asked if I wanted to be a surrogate. Sarah and Abram didn’t even look at me as they made their plans to conceive a child using me. It was like I wasn’t even in the room, I was just a means to an end. They didn’t see my fear, they didn’t see my pain…they didn’t see (emphasis) ME. Sarah just handed me over to her husband and didn’t care about me.
(With contempt) Once I became pregnant, I despised my mistress.
(With pride) I was the one giving Abram a child. Now he will acknowledge me as his wife. (Saddened) But Abram wanted nothing to do with me anymore and gave me back to Sarah. He told her to do with me as she pleased. Sarah treated me harshly and she humiliated me. So I fled to the wilderness. I wanted to get as far away from them as possible.
MEN - Please act out the Abraham monologue:
ABRAHAM: I rose early in the morning, saddled my donkey, took two of my young men with me and my son Isaac; I split wood for the burnt offering, and arose and went to the place of which God had told me.
I have to be honest, I was anxious; I had waited for decades for a son. Even though I had loved Ishmael, he was not the son God had promised. God saw Isaac as my one and only son. … (spoken almost through tears) now God was asking me to give him back? But how could I not be obedient to His request? God could bring him back from the dead if He wanted to.
I built up my courage, took the wood for the burnt offering and gave it to Isaac. So the two of us walked on together to the mount God said to go. Isaac then started to question me, wondering... “Where is the lamb for the burnt offering?”
He knew he was God’s promise to us, but was confused about the offering we were about to do. In blind faith I simply told him, “God will provide Himself the lamb.”
We walked on together and then they came to the place. I built the altar there while a million questions raced through my mind, and while I arranged the wood fear kept growing within me; I bound my only promised son Isaac and laid him on the altar with anguish and pain. His big eyes welled with tears, questioning what he had done wrong and if there was any other way.
I knew that after all the times I had not listened to God, I had to obey this time. I chose just to believe. I took a deep breath and raised the knife to sacrifice my son.
Then, an angle cried out, “Abraham, Abraham! Do nothing to Isaac; for now I know that you fear God, since you have not withheld your son, your only son, from Me.”
In amazement and thankfulness, I raised my eyes to look behind me, and there was a ram caught in the thicket by his horns; I went and took the ram and offered him up for a burnt offering in the place of my son.
I called the name of that place The Lord Will Provide.