Dr. Norman Wise, our Pastor of Counseling, teaches free virtual seminars on relevant topics. Our goal is to provide you with the biblical and practical tools you need to walk as Jesus walked.
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Learning how to have sexual purity 8/4/24
Most people from the time they became teenagers struggled with how to remain sexually pure. Our society does not promote sexual purity but idealizes being sexually impure as a normal part of life. Yet, the negative impact this sexual impurity has had emotionally, psychologically, sociologically, and spiritually is beyond measurement. The impact of the sexual revolution has become a sea of broken hearts, sexual abuse, and sexually transmitted disease. Yet, just being Christian does not seem to enable us to resist the temptation of sexual pleasure. So what can we do ?
Pastor Wise will outline a biblical and logical framework to help us govern sexual lust and help us learn how to strive to sexual purity in a culture that rejects the idea. The renewing of our minds and hearts is possible by God’s grace and finding how to apply the gospel into the area of our sexual lives.
Learning how to handle suffering from sexual abuse 9/8/24
It is hard to estimate the number of people who are sexually abused. About 25% of all children women and men suffer some type of sexual abuse before the age of 18 in our culture. A multitude of adults also suffered sexual abuse even after they become 18. Over half of women and almost 1 in 3 men have experienced sexual violence involving physical contact during their lifetimes. The emotional and mental wounds such abuse cause us hard to handle and can impact our lives and relationships with negative impact. What can we do?
Pastor Wise will provide practical and gospel centered means of healing from sexual abuse for both women and men. God heals the broken hearted and shares in the affliction of those who have been abused. God’s grace is greater than the wounds that have been suffered. A clear outline on how to seek the healing of these intimate wounds will be provided and encouragement given to pursue the Lord’s help.