equipping the little saints
Our goal is to equip the little saints for the work of the ministry in a fun-filled, age-appropriate, and
Christ-centered atmosphere. R-KIDS is a children's ministry committed to raising up a generation that is equipped to love God and love people, pray for each other, grow in Bible knowledge, and love God by honoring Him in their homes. We are excited to come alongside parents and families to equip their kids to be
Spirit-filled disciples of Christ.

let the little children come to me
Reveal fellowship kids FAQ’s
R-KIDS is a children's ministry that equips the saints for the work of the ministry in a fun-filled and age-appropriate atmosphere. We are committed to raising up a generation that is equipped to love God and love people, pray for each other, grow in Bible knowledge, and love God by honoring Him in their homes. We are excited to come alongside parents and families to equip their kids to be Spirit-filled disciples of Christ.
If it is your first time, welcome! Upon walking through the front doors of Reveal Fellowship, you will see Children’s Check-In to your right. Please make your way to the check-in desk and complete a New Family Form. A member of our Children’s Ministry Team will then assist you through the check-in process. Your child(ren) will receive their nametag(s) and you will receive an alpha-numerical security tag which is also printed on your child(ren’s) nametag. Then, a member of our team will walk you and your child(ren) to the appropriate classroom(s).
There will be loving adults and excited youth with your children. Before serving with children, all adult members of our Children’s Ministry Team are required to be background checked, and these checks are updated every 3 years. We also encourage the middle school and high school youth at Reveal Fellowship to serve, so you will also see youth serving and loving on your children. At all times, at least one background-checked adult is present with the children.
We have designed our services to best minister to everyone at their level. Having found that children learn best in a classroom environment that is interactive and fun, the sanctuary is not the best place for them. God is not boring and we never want kids to think that because they only experience church in an adult environment. Additionally, teaching in the sanctuary is geared for adults and may contain important Biblical themes that are not appropriate for kids (think PG-13), therefore, children under 10 are not permitted in the sanctuary during the message time.
What about during worship?
During worship, newborns (0-18 mo) are permitted to be with parents in the sanctuary, but we ask that during announcements and message that children are taken to the Nursing Moms room or Nursery. Our elementary kids LOVE to get the wiggles out during worship, so our classrooms provide the best environment for them to praise Jesus.What about our older kids?
Middle and high school students are with the adults in the sanctuary on Sundays. We also have youth group for grades 6-12 Wednesday nights at 7PM. -
R-KIDS Children’s Ministry is divided into 4 rooms according to age/grade. The locations of those classrooms are below. They are explained from the viewpoint of looking at the stage.
NURSERY/FAMILY ROOM – Babies 0-2 years
The nursery/family room is located on the southeast corner of the church building. If you are looking at the stage, you will walk along the left perimeter of the sanctuary through a hallway door. The nursery/family room will be the second door on the left.NOAH’S ROOM – Ages 2-3
The 2’s and 3’s room, also called Noah’s Room, is located on the northwest corner of the church building. If you are looking at the stage, please turn to the right. You will see a door to the café and on your right is a door in the corner, which is Noah’s Ark.DAVID’S ROOM - K4-1
The 2nd-5th grade room is located on the south side of the church building. If you are looking at the stage, you will walk along the right perimeter of the sanctuary through a hallway door. The 2nd-5th grade room will be your first door on the left. -
We have Goldfish and Veggie Straws available as snack options for the children.
*If your child has any allergies, please be sure to let a member of our Children’s Check-In Team know so we can ensure the allergy gets printed on your child’s nametag. It is also a good idea to mention the allergy to the teacher when dropping off your child to class!
The check-in system will have your contact information. It is very important that you keep your contact information up to date as our method of contacting parents, if needed during the service, is texting. If there are special circumstances, please speak with the teacher when dropping off your child. The 2’s and 3’s room also has a sign-in sheet where you can leave any contact information/pertinent information regarding your child.
If you lose your parent tag, you will need to go to the Children’s Check-In Desk to verify your ID and answer a couple of security questions. We want to ensure the safety of all of R-KIDS!
The “Well-Child Policy” is a way to keep a safe and healthy environment at Reveal Fellowship. We cannot accept children with a cold, fever, rash, persistent cough, diarrhea, or any other signs of illness.
If your child is between the ages of 0 and 4, they will move to the next class upon their birthday. If your child is K4-5th grade, they move to the next class at the end of the school year/beginning of the summer. Your child will only move classrooms at the following times:
• upon turning 2 years old (begin 2’s and 3’s class)
• upon turning 4 years old (begin K4-2nd grade)
• upon completion of 2nd grade (begin 3rd-5th grade)
• upon completion of 5th grade (begin R-Youth middle school ministry)

reveal fellowship kids classes
For newborns, we have a cry room/family room that is EXTREMELY comfortable and private. Parents are permitted to be in the back of the sanctuary with their infants during the worship portion of the service, but we ask you to take the children to the nursery or the cry room during the message.
Location: To the right of the sanctuary and to the right side of the stage, the first door on your left.
This is a room for families with children in need of a play area. The family room is for all ages to use during the service while the sermon is being presented. A TV is provided for families to have access to the sermon.
Location: To the left of the sanctuary in the hallway, the first door on your left.
Noah’s Room is the place for your curious kids to come and learn about God’s love through songs, worship, play, and bible stories taught by our loving R-KIDS team.
Location: The classroom in the back of the café.
F&L is the class for your 4 year old-1st grader to come and learn to pray, and experience God’s love and truth through worship, crafts, and bible stories taught by our amazing R-KIDS team.
Location: To the right of the sanctuary, behind the stage.
GRADES 3rd - 5th The David Room
Our 3rd-5th grade class is the place for your child to come and fellowship with other student believers. They will learn who God truly is through studying and learning to apply what the Bible says alongside our R-KIDS team.
Location: Drop off to the right of the sanctuary, behind the stage.