mission 414
63% of people who come to faith in Christ do so between the ages of
4 and 14.
Out of this 63%, one group continued to be in a relationship with Jesus Christ their entire life and the other walked away from The Lord at some point in their life, but then returned.
With each passing year after age 14, resistance toward the Gospel grows. As teens get older, they become captivated by the world and their hearts begin to harden toward God. Only 3% of evangelical Christians came to faith after age 29.
The 4-14 Window represents the largest, most reachable, and most spiritually open people group—children between the ages of 4 and 14, and God has given us a window to reach this generation. During this key time, a child’s heart and mind are most receptive to the Gospel and a Christian worldview. We have an opportunity to plant the seed of the Gospel and give them the ability to experience the supernatural power of God. Jesus is the only Answer that can heal broken homes and hearts, but they need to see genuine, life-changing faith. The time is now!
We believe God is leading us to re-prioritize our church budget and outreach efforts to seize an opportunity to reach these children and their families with the Gospel. Due to our pressing need for additional classroom space where kids can freely worship, be inspired in the Word, and grow their faith, Mission 4-14 is committed to building a new 2700 square foot R-kids Worship Center equipped with a large common area, which can convert into two classrooms, three bathrooms, and three counseling offices. The projected $1,950,000 budget includes the construction and furnishing, site work and infrastructure, such as parking and drainage, additional children and youth ministry staff, remodeling some of the children’s areas in the current building, and additional resources for children and families.
Our Vision for ministry is to see children of light empowered and equipped to share their faith, prophesy, and reach their generation with the love of Christ. We want to see young people that walk with the integrity of Daniel, the courage of David, and the power of God!
Nearly 2 BILLION lives are preparing to inherit the earth from us.
That means there are more children alive today than any other time in history.
How can I help?
The most important way you can help is through prayer. Prayer is always the most important element in any work of God. Here are the ways you can pray:
For the kids: Pray for those currently hearing the Gospel at Reveal and those we can’t wait to share the Gospel with!
For the leaders: Pray for continued vision from God and perseverance to complete His work.
For provision: Pray that God will provide workers to bring in the harvest, individuals who have a heart for Jesus and for our kids who want to jump in and be a part of the team, and for financial provision for tangible aspects needed for this ministry.
For God’s favor during construction.
For the finances needed: The entire project is $2,000,000. We need $845,000 more. Pray about what you can give to help us reach our goal and reach these kids.
In your prayer time with the Lord, if you find your heart moved to become a part of Mission 4-14 as a “harvester of souls” or as a part of the financial provision, we would love to connect with you personally!
Pastor Tye shares the vision for Mission 4-14, the dangers children and youth are facing and why the time to act is now!