Groups & Classes
What is an ACTS 29 Community?
An ACTS 29 Community is a home fellowship of believers choosing to do life together. Our groups seek to incarnate Christ to our communities by modeling redemption. The group will seek to live out the Gospel, speak the truth in love, provide a safe place for the confession of sin, demonstrate forgiveness, and model restoration and redemption. It is a great way to get plugged in and make deep connections with your brothers and sisters in Christ!
What kinds of classes do you offer?
Each fall and spring we launch our ACTS 29 Communities as well as 1-2 classes designed to equip the body of Christ at Reveal with the spiritual and practical tools needed to effectively walk as Jesus walked. Some classes we have offered in the past include Life Skills, Emotionally Healthy Relationships, Sword Training, and Spiritual Warfare.
Classes launch each fall and spring and loosely follow the academic calendar, typically taking a break during the summer.
Fall Class: Peacemaking Seminar - Level 1: Honoring God in Conflict
What kinds of groups do you offer?
We have a women’s group that meets on Thursday mornings, 10:00 AM-11:30AM. Childcare is available. This year we are going through the book of 2 Samuel. The group begins in October.
We also have a Men’s Breakfast on the first Saturday of the month at 8:30AM.
We have some age specific groups:
Reveal Young Adults (18-30 years old)- Fridays at 7:45 PM
AWANA (2 years old - 5th grade) - Wednesdays 6:30-8:30
Youth Ministry (6th grade - 12 grade) - Wednesdays 6:30-8:30 (there are also small group bible studies in homes for Middle school boys, Middle school girls, High school boys and High school girls).