Extreme Discipleship - Nazirite Vow

We want to create a greater awareness of God’s holiness so that we have a greater sensitivity to those things that please Him and grieve Him.  The list below includes items that we have noticed that can be a distraction from hearing God. We encourage you to commit to this fast, during the rapid overview of the New Testament (listed on the back).


1.     DENY MY FLESH (Numbers 6:3)

Spiritual Application: No Medicating (i.e., alcohol, entertainment, anything that numbs you or something you turn to for satisfaction or relief instead of turning to God. God is all we need).  *This does not refer to medications prescribed by a doctor for illness or disability

a.      What are the things that I do to medicate instead of running to God to meet my needs? Anything that I use to medicate clouds my ability to hear His voice. 

b.     As a group we are committing to abstain/fast from the following things (that can be used to medicate):

- Alcohol/illicit drugs

- Comfort food (i.e., junk food, sweets, desserts; food we run to instead of God)

- Facebook/Instagram/Social Media

- TV/Netflix/YouTube (except for sermons)

- Masturbation

- No impulse purchases (…)

- electronics that are a distraction (game systems, phone, whatever distracts you)

- limit your cell phone usage as much as possible

c.      “Like a city whose walls are broken down is a man who lacks self-control” (Proverbs 25:28)

d.     Add to this list personally anything else that you know that you personally use to medicate and include it in your personal fast over the next 30 days.






2.     DECLARE HIS IDENTITY (Numbers 6:5)

Spiritual Application: Our focus will not be our physical appearance (to cut the hair or not cut the hair is not the issue) but to have a “peculiar” identity – identifying with the Lord and not the world.  As a result, we are committed to proclaim the gospel, a proclamation every time, at every opportunity. This gospel proclamation may come either as sharing the Good News about Jesus or as asking to pray for him or her (let the Spirit lead).  We are also committing to share the gospel or pray with:

a.      At least 2 people in our family that we have not shared the gospel with (over the phone if necessary)

b.     2 people in our workplaces

c.      2 people in our neighborhoods

d.     Cashiers, waitresses, waiters and bank tellers are going to hear the gospel, receive prayer, etc.

e.      Pray with your spouse every morning and evening (if married)

f.       Pray over two other people each day


3.     DENOUNCE ALL THAT IS DEATH (Numbers 6:6-8)

Spiritual Application: we will avoid places and things where worldly (spiritually dead) influences can affect us

a.      public areas where there are ungodly things present (malls, beaches, ______________)

b.     Secular music

c.      Off the computer unless it is work related or unless someone is there

d.     TV/movies/YouTube/Netflix, etc.

e.      Video games


f.       ________________________________________________________________________________________________________


g.      ________________________________________________________________________________________________________



New Testament 30 Day Rapid Overview

This reading plan below is fairly aggressive, and for most people will require 30-40 minutes of reading each day. Most people don’t have that kind of extra time available, but perhaps by fasting from the other things mentioned above (social media, tv, etc), that will free up the time. That said, some people find that it helps to listen to the Bible as they read it or listen to it while they drive in the car or do housework/yard work to get through all of the chapters. Either way, the rapid overview will give you a larger perspective on the New Testament.


                  Day 1                       Matt 1–8

                  Day 2                       Matt 9–14

                  Day 3                       Matt 15–22

                  Day 4                       Matt 23–28

                  Day 5                       Mark 1–5

                  Day 6                       Mark 6–11

                  Day 7                       Mark 12–16, Luke 1

                  Day 8                       Luke 2–7

                  Day 9                       Luke 8–12

                  Day 10                   Luke 13–19

                  Day 11                   Luke 20–24

                  Day 12                   John 1–6

                  Day 13                   John 7–11

                  Day 14                   John 12–19

                  Day 15                   John 20–21, Acts 1–5

                  Day 16                   Acts 6–11

                  Day 17                    Acts 12–19

                  Day 18                   Acts 20–28

                  Day 19                   Rom 1–8

                  Day 20                    Rom 9–16, 1 Cor 1

                  Day 21                   1 Cor 2–11

                  Day 22                   1 Cor 12–16, 2 Cor 1–7

                  Day 23                   2 Cor 8–13, Gal 1–6

                  Day 24                   Eph 1–6, Phil 1–4                              

                  Day 25                    Col 1–4, 1 Thess 1–5, 2 Thess 1–3

                  Day 26                   1 Tim 1–6, 2 Tim 1–4, Titus 1–3, Philem

                  Day 27                   Heb 1–13

                  Day 28                   James 1–5, 1 Pet 1–5, 2 Pet 1–3

                  Day 29                   1 John 1–5, 2 John, 3 John, Jude, Rev 1–4

                  Day 30                   Rev 5–22



Samson’s Revenge


Right in God’s Eyes Part 7 - Strength Through Separation