The Lord’s Lunch is a ministry to the homeless at Bryant Park on Fridays. We serve those whom God loves every Friday rain or shine and on holidays. If you are interested in joining the team, prayerfully read the guidelines and fill out the form below!
Guidelines for The Lord’s Lunch
Pastor Norm is the lead pastor and overseer for The Lord’s Lunch.
Team Leaders:
Grandma (Sharon) – In charge of communication with team members and potential team members.
Romy – In charge of the menu and food planning.
Doracy – In charge at the park while the team is there ministering. (Opening prayer, prayer circle and everything in between when it comes to setting up, taking down and any unforeseen problem at the park.)
Mayra – In charge of praise and worship at the park.
Lori – In charge of picking up food from RBI.
o Team leaders and members, please consider this a calling from the Lord and make every effort to be at The Lord’s Lunch.
o Please be committed to staying in touch with Grandma/Sharon, if something comes up and you are not able to make it.
§ Team Members may participate in these opportunities.
· 1. Prayer, Devotion and Team Building
· 2. Sandwich making and food preparation
· 3. Serving at the Park
o We realize that some people will be here seasonally based on work cycles and on living here part time. This is completely acceptable and we welcome you here for the
time you can commit. Please keep in touch and stay accountable to the leader in charge of communications.
Team Member Prayer and Devotion:
o We arrive at Reveal at 9:30
o The point of this time is for unity and prayer.
· Please turn off your phone.
o The ringing and the walking in and out to take calls are very distracting.
· You are welcome to come in late and to be a part of the prayer, however, please save your comments and questions until the end.
Food Preparation:
· Be willing to serve wherever there is a need. No one has a specific job. Working together as a team in any capacity brings glory to the Lord.
· Sarcasm is not permitted
o Be self-aware of how you personally are affecting others and the environment through your words, actions and non-verbal communication.
o Eph. 4:29 – Let no corrupt word proceed out of your mouth, but what is good for necessary edification, that it may impart grace to the hearers.
At Bryant Park:
· When possible, please try to minister and pray in teams of two or more. Especially when ministering to someone of the opposite sex.
· Please do not serve food or clean up during worship or “The Word”, it is helpful to put all of the food out of sight.
· A woman driving by herself is not to give a man or men a ride.
· A man driving by himself is not to give a woman or women a ride.
· In extreme circumstances regarding a ride, please go to the leader in charge at the park to work something out that would work for everyone and still stay within our guidelines.
· The Lord’s lunch does not endorse any one-on-one engagements with those that we serve, and if people do meet with individuals privately do so against our counsel since this could be dangerous. That individual will assume the full responsibility for such meetings, and it is not a part of The Lord’s Lunch ministry. We would urge you to always do ministry with our team or when other teams are serving throughout the week. (There is a team for everyday serving in East Lake Worth, ask Grandma/Sharon for the schedule and she will give it to you.)
· We encourage women to minister to women and men to men. Absolutely no romantic involvement with those that we serve.
· Do not give money. If you are asked to give anything, please let that person know that the guidelines of TLL are to always go through the leader in charge at the park. We will discuss the need and go to the Lord regarding meeting that need.
· If one of our friends asks to use your phone, please direct them to Grandma/Sharon or Tim. Remember ladies, that at times this is one of those ways someone that we serve can get your number.
· If one of our friends ask for your number or to meet with them privately:
· Ask them for a way to reach out to them.
· Also, they have access to the library. They can email, Grandma at grandmachristie@gmail.com and she will reach out to Pastor Norm to work out a way for at least two people to meet at a predetermined time.
· Let them know that the guidelines of TLL are to not give out our numbers. However, they can call Grandma at 305-308-8080 and she can facilitate people working together with this person.
· This guideline protects everyone on the team.
· When you bring family or friends to serve. Let them know how we have been called to treat our friends in love. Do not allow them to come in and try to take control of our team or be condescending to those we serve.
o Before they come to serve, tell them to log onto Reveal’s website at revealfellowship.com. They should click on the Missions button and scroll down and click on The Lord’s Lunch button. This will pull up a copy of our guidelines for them to read before coming to the park. At the end they will be asked to sign electronically and provide their date of birth. Then they will be directed to reach out to Pastor Norm.
· Please do not leave anyone at the park by themselves. If you are the last person and one of the team is waiting to leave. Please wrap it up.
· Once the team has wrapped everything up…We will have a team prayer circle to pray out before we leave. Unless the leader at the park changes the timing of when the prayer circle is done.
· We ask that even when going to the park or coming from the park that outside of married couples, men ride with men and women ride with women.
· From start to finish on Friday mornings, this is a ministry unto the Lord. This is not to be used as an opportunity to meet other Christians in order to date them. Each person who serves has the right to feel safe and to serve and not feel uncomfortable serving with someone from the team who has asked them out.
· Don’t over promise and under deliver. Keep all your commitments to both people in the park and to The Lord’s Lunch. Let us know as soon as you can if you cannot do something as soon as you can.