Welcome to

Reveal Fellowship!

Helping people walk as Jesus walked

You may be wondering, “who are these crazy people?”

we are a community of people in love with Jesus. Jesus is our savior and our senior pastor. the Holy Spirit is our worship leader. We are focused on Keeping Jesus at the center.

The Vision of Reveal: Raising up an army of light

God charged Pastor Dave with a vision to raise up an Army of Light that displaces darkness (Ephesians 5:8; Romans 13:11-12; John 8:12; 1 Peter 2:9). We live in a world filled with darkness, but when darkness is evicted everything changes. Although the name “Reveal Fellowship” seemed unusual when we began, God began to confirm through the pages of scripture that when darkness is removed, revelation is received. Our generation is desperately in need of a revelation of Jesus in all His glory. This new church would be about proclaiming the light, revealing the truth, and loving Jesus.

Our focus is not on reaching the masses, but on seeing the individual healed, equipped, and sent back on the battlefield as a soldier in God’s Army of Light. By equipping the saints for the work of the ministry (Ephesians 4:12), the saints of God would be empowered to reach the masses for Christ. Lost people matter to God, and we are called to seek and save the lost. Since the beginning of Reveal, countless lives have been set free from strongholds, seasoned saints who were stuck have found a first-love flame rekindled, and a small army passionately in love with Jesus has formed.

Take the next step…

Whether you are exploring who God is and want to know more, or if you are a seasoned saint who has walked with Jesus for decades, we are here to help you with your next step. Complete the form below to get connected.