I was born in Western Pennsylvania and came from a troubled family where my dad was an alcoholic. My mother divorced my father when I was 10 and we moved to Ohio by Lake Erie. I came to Florida in 1972 to attend Florida Bible College and here met my wife Terry at a church called Ecclesia Fellowship. Terry and I served the Lord together till 2015 when, after about 10 years of severe medical problems, she went to dance with Jesus and know perfect health.
I have three adult children and two grandchildren. My two sons are Alex and Greg. Alex is a music teacher and performer living in New York and Greg is a lawyer who lives locally in Davie. My daughter is Justina who now lives in South Carolina. My two grandchildren are Michael (7) and Anabella (4).
I love coffee, meatloaf, and tacos and I enjoy playing chess. I love talking to people who have questions about the Christian faith since I previously battled with intellectual issues in college and found apologetics helpful in keeping and defending my faith. I love to write, journal, and read books that help me become better and serve better.