S T A T I O N 7


With that sound, He gave up His spirit. So many were broken with grief because of His death. Others were happy that His influence would end. They all misunderstood the true power and beauty of this moment because this was the moment that the separation would end forever. This was the moment that an invitation back to the shalom of the garden could be extended. Because this was the moment that the curtain to the Most Holy Place in the temple tore from top to bottom. 

The curtain that separated the people from the Most Holy Place was no ordinary piece of fabric that billowed with every puff of breeze.  It was tightly woven and inches thick.  It was torn, not cut but torn.  

The power of Jesus’ death on the cross was so immense that it shook the earth, blocked out the sun so that Jersusalem stood in darkness at midday and tore through our separation from the Most Holy Place.  It removed our separation from the full presence of God.  It removed all the obstacles from deep and true shalom. 

God no longer needed to separate us from His holiness and beauty because of our sin.  He didn’t need to shield us from His glory.  Our willful rebellion did not have to keep us from a loving Father.  In Jesus, we were given a perfect view of the heart of our heavenly Father:

“If you have seen Me, then you have seen the Father.”

He showed us what true love looks like:

“There is no greater love than to lay down your life for your friends.”

Jesus’ death on the cross made a way for us to get back to walking with our Father in perfect peace, perfect shalom in the cool of the evening.  His resurrection three days later, showed us that we too can rise from the death and misery of our sin.  We could be resurrected out of the pain caused from trying to have our own way.

Jesus’ words after his resurrection compel us to share the deep, mysterious but simple truth that all are invited into the Most Holy Place:

“Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age.”

All are invited into relationship and shalom with God.  It is why I have guided you through this story.  It is God’s story and it is His will that it would become your story.  The Father doesn’t want anyone to be separated from Him.

It is My will that no one would perish, but that all would turn to Me and have everlasting life.

As you move through the curtain, will you take a moment to decide if you want the life and shalom that I am offering you?  The Creator of all, the King of heaven and earth, the one and holy God has brought you to this place and this moment to extend His invitation.  

Will you let what I did on the cross, laying down My life, free you from your sin?  I tell you that if you confess with your mouth that I am Lord and believe in your heart that God raised Me from the dead, you will be saved.  

Will you say yes to God’s way?  Will you lay down your burdens and trust that God will really be with you always?  Will you trust and obey the one that calms the storms?